
What is chrome profile generator and how to use and download it

What is chrome profile generator and how to use and download it


Chrome profile generator is software that is used to create specific numbers of Google Chrome profiles with just a single click. You can generate custom numbers for Chrome and custom names for profiles using the Chrome profile generator, which we will demonstrate today.

Here are the following steps to download and install it.

Step 1:

 Download it from the given link at the bottom of the post.

What is chrome profile generator and how to use and download it

Step 2: 

Here is the downloaded file from the downloading link. Now, in the above picture, the profile generator is opened, and there are some arrows pointed with numbers. Here is the explanation for each arrow.

The First Arrow points to the number from which you want to create the profile (for example, if you want to create a profile from 1 to 10, you put 1 in this box or the number from which you want to create the profiles.)

The second arrow points to the name you want to give to your profiles (for example, if you want your profile name to be John, type John in this box).
The third arrow indicates how many profiles you want to create. (If you want to create ten profiles, then you will put ten in this box.)

Then after these following steps your chromes will be generated. 

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Here is the downloading for the profile generator
You have to wait 25 seconds.

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